After dealing with the external problem of persecution in his first letter, Peter wrote a follow-up letter (2 Peter) to deal with the internal problem of false teaching and corruption in the church. In this short but powerful letter, Peter introduces three main themes.
First, in chapter 1, Peter urges us to cultivate Christian character. Growing in Christian virtue is the best solution to internal corruption in the church.
Next, in chapter 2, Peter condemns false teachers. Their crafty words may entice immature believers, but their arrogant and self-centered lifestyle proves they do not truly follow Christ.
Finally, in chapter 3, Peter proclaims his confidence in Christ’s return. Those who mock and deny the coming judgment of Christ will ultimately be put to shame. Peter gives two concrete reasons why we can be confident Jesus will indeed return.
- God’s perspective on the passing of time is not like ours. From our perspective, the delay of Christ’s return may seem long, but “with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day” (2 Peter 3:8).
- The apparent delay of Christ’s return is due to His patience with sinful humanity. He desires more and more people to come to a saving knowledge of Christ before He comes in judgment.
Therefore, Peter exhorts us to live each day in light of that coming Day and to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Watch part 2 of the series 2 Peter. This teaching normally takes place Monday nights but is being taught virtually during closings related to COVID-19.