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Do you take in a balanced diet of Scripture?

Just as we cook an entrée and a side of vegetables to create a well-rounded meal, we ought to be balanced in how we read the Word of God. Reading only one part of Scripture in isolation can lead us to miss the beauty of the larger story.

Four Reading Cycles

Immersing ourselves in four parts of Scripture during our devotional time helps expose us to the whole counsel of God.

This four-part method involves four bookmarks in your Bible:

  1. Genesis–Malachi (except for the Psalms)
  2. Psalms
  3. Matthew–Acts.
  4. Romans–Revelation.

You do not need to consume a large amount of Scripture in this method. Instead, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read, zooming in on a specific text. Whenever a passage stands out to you, view that as an invitation from God to go deeper with Him.

Scripture Prayer Guide

This guide helps you cultivate the art of praying through Scripture. Using the Word of God to enrich your prayers helps strengthen your relationship with God. Praying His words back to Him embeds those words in your heart.

It is easy to fall into the trap of only lifting up petitions to God. But that is not the only kind of prayer. Scripture shows us how to pray prayers of adoration, intercession, affirmation, thanksgiving, and renewal as well. You don’t need to get stuck in a rut in prayer because you can always change the type of prayer you focus on.

Other Methods

Different practices work for different people, depending on your schedule and your current season of life. Even reading one chapter a day every day of the year is a good practice to keep you immersed in the Word of God. You can read straight through the Bible, or you can alternate between the Old and New Testaments. Another method is to read a psalm a day, or you can even read a chapter of the Gospels and a chapter of Acts every day. Don’t be afraid to mix things up and see what works best for you.

Regardless of how you read your Bible, don’t let it become a checklist item! Instead, ask the Spirit to guide you as you read, enhancing your diet of Scripture.

If you want suggestions for how to read the Bible, check out the post “Bible Reading Guide: 10 Methods.”

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