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Acts is a book of transitions. One of the biggest of these transitions is the inclusion of non-Jews in God’s plan of salvation. Not only did God bring salvation to both Jews and Gentiles, but He made them one body together in Christ (Ephesians 2:16). This was His plan from the beginning and is now fulfilled.

Acts 10 details the first great movement of the gospel to Gentiles. God Himself initiates this movement by giving visions to both Peter and a Gentile named Cornelius and by commanding Peter to deliver the gospel message to Cornelius. As soon as Peter speaks the gospel, the Holy Spirit falls on Cornelius and his family, thus advancing the purpose of God through His disciples to bring the gospel not only to Israel, but to the ends of the earth.

We, too, are God’s instruments today to bring the gospel message to all people, without showing partiality.

Watch part 84 of the 365 Key Chapters of the Bible series, based on Ken’s Handbook to Scripture.

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