Ken BoaJune 1, 2016
Ken BoaMay 29, 2016
Dr. Boa focuses in the Gospel of John as he continues his discussion of Jesus's invitation to us to pursue God's presence.
Ken BoaMay 25, 2016
Ken BoaMay 23, 2016
Ken BoaMay 16, 2016
Bible Reading System: 4-Card Cycle
This Bible reading system involves four 3-by-5-inch cards used to mark four reading cycles in Scripture.
Ken BoaMay 16, 2016
Ken BoaMay 15, 2016
Four Life-Changing Prayers
Follow the apostle Paul's example in prayer. Use the following four passages from three of Paul's epistles (letters) as a pattern of prayer for yourself and/or others Ephesians 1:17–19a " that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray…
Ken BoaMay 12, 2016
Easter Past, Present, and Future
Some verses apropos to Resurrection Day from a past, present, and future perspective.
Ken BoaMay 12, 2016