Why hasn’t God put an end to evil? If it were on our terms, we would eliminate the cruel world leaders, murderers, thieves, natural disasters, and diseases. But God’s approach is far more radical.
Obedience is the path to open up intimacy with God. If you are going to know Him better, you must do what He tells you to do. God teaches us this truth over and over again. Disobedience has consequences, and it leads us away from God. Obedience, on the other hand, draws us closer to Him. This is a lesson…
Look around you, watch a minute of the news, and you will see suffering. It is an unavoidable part of life. But where did evil come from? As we ask this question and look for answers, we’ll find that the biblical Christian worldview gives us a robust answer to the problem of evil.
In every order of magnitude, what is God telling us about Himself? The beauty we see in creation should drive us to seek to know Him in Scripture. Knowing God—not just in your head, but in your heart—will make all the difference in your life.
“At least I’m better than them.” Our natural tendency is to take this attitude of comparison, believing that we deserve heaven because we are better than others. But the standard of comparison is not horizontal—it’s vertical.
Despite our attempts to solve the problem of evil by eliminating either God or evil, only a recognition that our good God will conquer evil gives us hope.
Where is your trust? Either you will be like Saul and trust in yourself, or you will trust God and realize that satisfaction only comes from obeying, knowing, and loving God.
What does it mean to know God? The answer to this question is essential to our daily lives. When we do not know who God is according to Scripture, we experience a diminishment of our sense of His majesty that affects our relationship with Him. Our tendency is to pick and choose the bits and pieces we like about Him…