Sin separates, but grace brings things together. If we have been saved by the blood of Christ, then we are part of His Body in all its unity and diversity.
The first two chapters of Job give us a divine perspective on trials. We may not understand God's purposes, but we can trust His sovereignty and goodness.
God warned the Israelites of the consequences of disobedience. But the tangible idols of this world drew their hearts away from Him, just as they do ours.
"What do you seek?" We ought to ask ourselves this question Jesus asks at the outset of His ministry (John 1:38). Our choices show us what we truly pursue.
Acts 27 tells a story of high drama—a storm at sea, a shipwreck, and a nefarious plot to kill those aboard the ship. Through it all, Paul trusted in God.
We were all dead in our trespasses—no exceptions. But Ephesians 2:1–7 tells of the glorious transformation from death to life for those who are in Christ.
Is God sovereign despite the suffering of the innocent? The book of Job answers this, teaching us to trust in God even when we do not understand His ways.