Revelation reveals to us that the Logos, the second person of the Trinity, became one of us and shed His blood on our behalf. Reflection on the truth of God's Word gives us a greater appreciation for beauty of God's works, which enjoins us to the delight of God's praise.
There can be good and bad motivations for sharing the Gospel. As ambassadors of Christ we need to ensure that we have biblical motivations for proclaiming the Good News.
Unlike other religions, Christianity reveals the Triune nature of our glorious God. This is mysterious in itself—but God goes even farther and draws us into this loving relationship with Himself.
The miracle of feeding the multitude demonstrates Jesus' superiority to Moses. Moses gave the Israelites manna in the wilderness, yet they died. Jesus, as the bread of life, offers true abiding life.
The agricultural imagery used in the Bible for the process of evangelism shows us that there are at least four stages: (1) Preparing the soil, (2) Sowing the Seed, (3) Cultivating the soil, and (4) Reaping the harvest. Stage four is the one many Christians tend to focus on, but we must remember that it is God who is responsible…
Does faith contradict science? Or can we love science and still have faith? This In Question event at GraceLife church addresses these questions and more.