Ken Boa wraps up his teaching on work in this lesson, emphasizing that God graciously invites us into His work in the world even though He does not depend on us to accomplish His purposes.
The story of Joseph can encourage us as believers to remember that we are children of the One who holds the power over nations and people; He can use any circumstances for our good and His glory.
Evangelism takes those who are spiritually dead and brings them to the point where they can be discipled; this is not an overnight event but a process with multiple stages.
Ken Boa continues teaching on work, emphasizing that "everything matters": it is through the fine details and small decisions that God weaves the tapestry of our lives.
Ken Boa teaches on the parable of the unrighteous steward and its application to us today, explaining that believers should leverage the temporal things of this earth for the eternal things of heaven.
An encouragement to remember Christ's death (Easter past), to live in light of His resurrection (Easter present), and to do so more and more in view of His coming (Easter future).
Despite his circumstances, Joseph trusted, honored, and glorified God; he provides an example to us today of trusting God even when it's hard to see how God is working.
Measuring the success of discipleship is important; however, we must make sure to employ the right tools of measurement in order to judge that success.