The centrally important Davidic Covenant is the focus of the 12th story in this series. Focus text: 2 Samuel 7 This series is based on Ken's coauthored book (with John Alan Turner), The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible. Purchase here.
Renewal individually and corporately are part of the believer's life and part of the church's life over history. Ken discusses renewals or revivals historically and then describes the pattern of true spiritual renewal.
By loving God completely, we discover who and whose we are as we come to see ourselves as God sees us. In this way, we become secure enough to become others-centered rather than self-centered.
Mark's Gospel moves quickly through the life of Jesus to the final week of His life, with an emphasis on His humanity (frequently referring to Him as the "Son of Man"). Service and sacrifice are major themes of Mark.
Positive experiences with accountability in the Christian life arise out of relationships with people who love us enough to take the risks of honesty and candor when necessary, and to then speak into our lives with discernment and concern for our spiritual well-being.
David was unique among Israel's kings. Being called a man after God's own heart reflected not earthly perfection (he was far from that), but his real and honest relationship with God.
Grace as opposed to law, which is the crux of the Christian faith, is the sixth of eight "spiritual essentials" (core aspects of the Christian faith) Ken Boa discusses with his Friday morning men's study at First Redeemer Church (Cumming, GA).