Ken Boa's 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible series continues with Genesis 12, in which we learn how God did the impossible through a "random nobody who lived in the middle of nowhere."
Psalm 103 is a psalm of praise that gives us a portrait of worship and reminds us of the fundamentals of faith that we need to know on our earthly sojourn.
In this chapter of Matthew, we see Jesus using parables to conceal the truth from those who would reject it, and to reveal the truth to those who would receive and believe.
Ken Boa introduces this new series based on his book coauthored with John Alan Turner. The first teaching focuses on the creation story, taken from Genesis 1 and 2.
Genesis 6 documents the radical measures God took to address increasingly rampant human wickedness and preserve a godly remnant of people for Himself, through one family.
Ken Boa shifts to practical application of his teaching on life's purpose by focusing on some personal principles and values that help us review and remind ourselves of our purpose as humans, as believers, and as individuals.