Ken BoaAugust 9, 2017
Themes for Bible Study
list offers some options for topical or theme-based Bible studies.
This video is available in more than 100 different languages!
Ken BoaAugust 7, 2017
Ken BoaAugust 6, 2017
Evangelism in a Postmodern World, Part 3: Arenas
Evangelism today is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. Part 3 in this series offers a summary of the special opportunities and challenges of 14 different evangelistic arenas in our postmodern world.
Ken BoaAugust 4, 2017
Evangelism in a Postmodern World, Part 2: Approaches
Evangelism in our increasingly postmodern world is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. Part 2 focuses on the importance of the right motivation when evangelizing and describes evangelism as a process (versus an event).
Ken BoaAugust 4, 2017
Evangelism in a Postmodern World, Part 1: The Significance of Evangelism
Evangelism in our increasingly postmodern world is a complex and multifaceted endeavor, as members of churches and Christian outreach ministries strive to proclaim the message of salvation and newness of life in Christ in relevant and effective ways. Becoming familiar with reasons evangelism is significant, approaches to evangelism, and arenas in which it occurs can greatly enhance the effectiveness of…
Ken BoaAugust 4, 2017
Ken BoaJuly 27, 2017
Ken BoaJuly 23, 2017