Two major traditions in philosophy look at how we get knowledge. The first, abject rationalism, holds that all knowledge comes from reason. In other words, knowledge comes from the rational mind. The second, pure empiricism, believes that all knowledge comes from the senses.
There is also a third way we get knowledge. In contrast to rationalism and empiricism, revelation comes from above. It was given to us through the words of God in Scripture. It goes beyond knowledge through reason or the senses. This is not to say that reason and experience have no use. But they do have their limits. Revelation reveals to us the truth of the Incarnation. The Logos, the second person of the Trinity, became one of us and shed His blood on our behalf. Reflection on God’s Word gives us a greater appreciation for beauty of God’s works. This then enjoins us to the delight of God’s praise.
This teaching is part of a subseries on the spiritual life and is part 33 of the larger series, “Being, Knowing & Doing: How Godly Principles Strategically Affect Men’s Everyday Lives.”
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