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How do we understand what the love of God is like? How do we love Him more? To do so, we must know Him. We must read what the Scriptures say about Him and His love. Because we cannot love what we do not know, we should seek to know Him more.

So, what do we know about the love of God? His love is everlasting, unchanging, and not at all dependent on anything we do. Nothing we do can cause God to love us more or to love us less. There is security and assurance in knowing this. Indeed, Scripture says that nothing can separate us from His love (cf. Romans 8:31–39). Knowing this will give us the capacity to love Him, and out of this love we will desire to follow and obey Him.

This teaching is part of a subseries on the spiritual life and is part 34 of the larger series, “Being, Knowing & Doing: How Godly Principles Strategically Affect Men’s Everyday Lives.”

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