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A biblical understanding of grace helps us to understand our identity in Christ. It helps us to avoid what Ken Boa describes as “worm” theology. That’s the idea that you’re worthless and are no good for anything as a sinner. While we do sin, we are objectively justified and sanctified. Understanding our identity in Christ also repels the opposite notions of pride and absolute autonomy. After all, there is nothing we have that we did not receive from God.

Scripture describes our actions flowing out of our identity in Christ. But it is easy to forget what Scripture says about us. Consider memorizing some verses about our identity. This can be a great reminder of who we are in Christ. We are saved, justified, sanctified, redeemed. We are first and foremost sons and daughters of God.

This teaching is part of a subseries on the spiritual life and is part 37 of the larger series, “Being, Knowing & Doing: How Godly Principles Strategically Affect Men’s Everyday Lives.”

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