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God’s gracious provision in Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection cancels our sin. Despite this, we tend to have a lingering disposition of debt toward God. We try to work and earn God’s forgiveness. This mindset is opposed to the good news of the gospel. Indeed, the idea that we must work our way into heaven is no good news at all. As Romans 3:23 says, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Praise God that it is not up to us! It is up to Him, and He has already done the work. Understanding this grace of forgiveness also helps us to realize that despite any one person’s wrongdoing against us, we must extend the same grace of forgiveness to them that God gives us.

This teaching is part of a subseries on the spiritual life and is part 43 of the larger series, “Being, Knowing & Doing: How Godly Principles Strategically Affect Men’s Everyday Lives.”

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