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Post Date: December 14, 2017

Life in the Presence of God has been out for one month now, and I’ve enjoyed interacting with those who’ve read the book. I recently conducted a written interview with Bible Gateway, answering questions such as, “What is a Christian’s ‘quiet time’ and why are you saying it’s not enough?” There I also share more about the process of trusting and training, the example of Jesus, and one of my favorite Bible passages.

You can read the interview here:

“How to (and Why You Should) Live in God’s Presence: An Interview with Ken Boa”

Purchase Life in the Presence of God bundled with the companion training guide, A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence, in our online store. [vector_icon icon=”arrow-circle-o-right”] 

You can also purchase the book only or the training guide only.

Then be sure to let others know what you thought about the book by writing an Amazon review.

Image: Screen shot of Bible Gateway blog featuring Dr. Boa.