Are science and faith opposed to each other? What empirical evidence is there for a Creator of the universe? Ken Boa addresses these questions in his series: Science, Faith, and Reason.
Does faith contradict science? Or can we love science and still have faith? This In Question event at GraceLife church addresses these questions and more.
In this extra session at the Cove during the 2019 Reflections Ministries retreat, guest speaker Glenn Sunshine discusses the evolution of worldview over the past 500 years.
Ken Boa discusses belief in and evidence for God's existence during the April 3, 2019, installment of GraceLife Church of Pineville's In Question series.
Published in 1952, C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity" came out of a series of BBC radio talks during the Second World War. The book makes the case for Christianity, seeks to delineate those beliefs common to all Christians, and discusses matters related to Christian behavior/morality.
Evangelism today is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. Part 3 in this series offers a summary of the special opportunities and challenges of 14 different evangelistic arenas in our postmodern world.
Evangelism in our increasingly postmodern world is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. Part 2 focuses on the importance of the right motivation when evangelizing and describes evangelism as a process (versus an event).