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The Gospel and the Law Bible BasicsFeatured Posts

The Gospel and the Law

In discussions of so-called “same sex marriage,” Christians are frequently accused of hypocrisy for taking the passages in the Law of Moses dealing with homosexual behavior literally but ignoring for example those concerning eating shellfish or wearing clothing made of two different kinds of fiber.  The accusation might bear some weight if the decision about which provisions of the Law…
August 8, 2023
The Believer’s Three Callings, Part 2 Bible BasicsFeatured Posts

The Believer’s Three Callings, Part 2

In the previous article, I argued that a fully-formed biblical worldview recognizes three callings on the life of the believer: the Great Commandment, the Great Commission, and the Cultural Mandate. Of these, the Great Commandment is the most important, and the other two flow from there. For a number of reasons when dealing with the commandments, Jesus, Paul, and John…
July 5, 2023
The Practical Importance of the Spiritual Disciplines Bible BasicsFeatured Posts

The Practical Importance of the Spiritual Disciplines

Your body is central to your spiritual life. In fact, to say it’s the locus of your spiritual transformation is not an understatement. Lately, I’ve noticed an odd disconnect, though. A growing emphasis on healthy lifestyles is leading to a fitness revolution, especially among young people in North America. Take a look around. People are in better shape than they’ve…
June 20, 2023
3 Questions to Put Our Fear Into Perspective Bible BasicsFeatured Posts

3 Questions to Put Our Fear Into Perspective

Lately, I can’t stop thinking about Jesus asleep in the boat. The storm is surging; the vessel is filling with water; the disciples are scurrying. This is a historic scene, not some vivid illustration, but let’s pause for a moment to acknowledge its fittingness as a metaphor for our cultural moment. Though not facing brutal persecution, our North American churches…
May 23, 2023