Jesus is enough. We don't need to seek secret knowledge (gnosticism) or false piety through asceticism, which gives the only appearance of righteousness. Jesus is our righteousness.
If one of the wisest men who walked the earth turned away from God, then who are we to think we are immune from such a danger? We must cling to God all the days of our lives.
God wants us to depend on Him and His power through the circumstances of life. Material wealth and fame will not bring us satisfaction and hope. The only enduring hope we have is in the LORD.
Is there any evidence for the end times? Are we living in the end times now? While no one knows the day nor the hour of Christ's coming, Jesus tells His disciples to be on alert and warns them of the signs of the end times. Text: Revelation 6–7 Whereas chapter five of Revelation gives us a picture of the heavenly throne room of God and of the vesting of authority to the Son to be the executor of judgment, chapter six reveals that judgment taking place as the Lamb breaks the seven seals. This point of Revelation marks the beginning of what has been…