Imitating Christ's own example, our lives should have an inside-out order, with devotion to Christ (solitude) flowing into devotion to community and devotion to the gospel (ministry).
Ken Boa kicks off his new Friday morning men's study at First Redeemer Church in Cumming (north of Atlanta), called "Momentum." The first teaching series is on "8 Spiritual Essentials" and includes table discussion and interaction between Ken and the audience.
The Holy Trinity, the imago dei, and our in-Christ life all provide the necessary foundations for a biblically based community, a community rooted in an understanding that every person's greatest need is to know God.
Ken Boa launches a new series on "Corporate Spirituality," focused on our growth in faith in the context of community. Our ability to love, serve others, and edify (and be edified in) the body of Christ must overflow from our own relationship with and security in Christ.
Ken Boa shifts to practical application of his teaching on life's purpose by focusing on some personal principles and values that help us review and remind ourselves of our purpose as humans, as believers, and as individuals.
Every person has an ultimate purpose, a universal purpose, and a unique purpose. A life of integrity unites these purposes, so that our daily life and activities align with, or flow out from, our primary calling to know God and be conformed to the image of His Son.
Ken Boa discusses additional principles of stewardship, including stewardship of our relationships with others, and moves into a discussion of our purpose in life. This teaching is based on chapter 20 in Ken's book Conformed to His Image.
(VIDEO + EDITED TRANSCRIPT) Ken Boa discusses guilt and shame, their role in the life of the believer, and their place in the human story during a Q&A-style talk as part of GraceLife Church's In Question series.
(VIDEO + EDITED TRANSCRIPT) Ken Boa discusses guilt and shame, their role in the life of the believer, and their place in the human story during a Q&A-style talk as part of GraceLife Church's In Question series.
We will all be held accountable for the amount of light we have received; we're called to be good stewards of God's truth, exposing ourselves to it consistently and asking the Spirit's help to apply it in our lives.