Ken Boa discusses a third area of our "horizontal relationships"—those in the workplace—where we are to live out God's calling on us to love others, approaching people out of the overflow of Christ in us.
Ken Boa moves from the marital and parent/child relationships to discussing friendship, another area of horizontal relationship that can be fueled by and infused with God.
This is Ken Boa's second session on the parent-child relationship, part of a larger "Holistic Spirituality" teaching series in his Sunday morning class. Ken Boa embarks on a tour with his Wednesday morning men's fellowship through A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence, the companion training guide to Life in the Presence of God. He provides an overview of the material in the guide as well as focuses on the two Week 1 exercises (for participants to do March 4–10). Note: This video combines the…
Ken Boa discusses the second step of the ancient practice of sacred reading (lectio divina): meditation (meditatio); he also embarks on a tour through "A Guide to Practicing God's Presence" with his Monday group (as he is doing with all of his local weekly study groups).
Ken Boa embarks on a tour with his Sunday morning class through A Guide to Practicing God's Presence, the companion training guide to Life in the Presence of God.