The redemption motif that began in chapter three now continues in this concluding chapter of Genesis. God redeemed the evil acts of Joseph's brothers because He is faithful and His promises are sure.
As Joseph and his brothers are reconciled at last, we clearly see the grace and sovereignty of God, who redeems even the worst acts of men for His own good purposes.
In the same way that God's people could trust in His promises during the "400 years of silence" between the Old and New Testaments, we too can have full confidence in His promises in this time between the two advents of Christ.
The story of Joseph can encourage us as believers to remember that we are children of the One who holds the power over nations and people; He can use any circumstances for our good and His glory.
Despite his circumstances, Joseph trusted, honored, and glorified God; he provides an example to us today of trusting God even when it's hard to see how God is working.