“Is this all there is?” This is the question we find ourselves asking when we achieve a goal, thinking it will have given us our heart’s desire. But whether we strive for popularity, power, possessions, or prestige, we will find that the things of this world cannot satisfy us.
What does it look like to live as a disciple of Christ in this world? One of the ten marks of a disciple is perception: learning to use nature to amplify your delight in and fear of the Lord.
One of the wisest things you can do is to put your unflinching trust in God. If your joy is dependent on circumstances, it will not be stable. On the other hand, surrendering to God provides ultimate security and satisfaction.
Either life is meaningless, or it isn’t—there are no options in between. If life is meaningless, then this temporal world is all we have, and it will quickly pass away. But the wisdom Psalms teach us the truth: life has meaning, and that meaning is rooted in our eternal God.
What are your priorities in life? All too often, our priorities center around what is temporal rather than what is eternal. The wisdom psalms teach us how to turn this around.
There is a futile emptiness of trying to find meaning and satisfaction “under the sun.” But when we fear the One who is above the sun, our futility is transformed into a living hope.