Ken Boa discusses the five loves (epithumia, eros, storge, phileo, and agape) in this second session in a sub-series on "Biblical Principles for Marriage."
Ken Boa takes a break from his Holistic Spirituality series to talk more generally about relationships, including the marriage relationship, among other topics.
In his weekly adult Sunday school class at Christ Church of Atlanta, Dr. Boa discusses his new book Life in the Presence of God. He explains the motivation behind the book, its relationship (as a sequel) to Rewriting Your Broken Story, and an overview of its content. He also talks about the companion training guide A Guide to Practicing God's Presence.
Dr. Boa discusses 12 aspects of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in a one-week break from his series "Holistic Spirituality." This session answers important questions about how God's Spirit works in us, and it is based on part of chapter 24 in his book Conformed to His Image.