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Misappropriating the Reformation (3): Sola Scriptura BiblicalFeatured PostsTheological

Misappropriating the Reformation (3): Sola Scriptura

The Protestant Reformation was triggered by a conflict over the issue of justification, that is, how our sins are forgiven and how we obtain salvation. To resolve this issue, it was necessary first to address the question of theological methodology: what is your final source of authority in answering theological questions? The answer of the Roman Catholic Church, as codified…
June 13, 2023
Misappropriating the Reformation (2): SOLA GRATIA BiblicalFeatured PostsTheological

Misappropriating the Reformation (2): SOLA GRATIA

In the first article of this series, I argued that modern American Evangelicalism has misunderstood the teaching of the Reformers that we are saved by faith, not works, and with it the Biblical text that we are not under law but grace.  While it is certainly true that our sins are forgiven by the finished work of Christ, and that this…
June 6, 2023
Misappropriating the Reformation (1): Sola Fide BiblicalFeatured PostsTheological

Misappropriating the Reformation (1): Sola Fide

Although there were many streams of Protestant thought during the sixteenth century, nearly all of them agreed on three key ideas summarized by three Latin phrases: sola fide, we are saved by faith alone; sola gratia, we are saved by grace alone; and sola scriptura, scripture alone is the final authority in theological matters. Protestants disagreed on pretty much everything…
May 30, 2023
Elisha and Jesus: A Window Into God’s Heart BiblicalFeatured PostsOld TestamentTheological

Elisha and Jesus: A Window Into God’s Heart

An Overlooked Hero We all have our superheroes that shape us, whether real or imaginary. Even as adults, we look to figures holding larger-than-life personas, generally on the sports field, movie screen, or church platform. My husband has a short list of superheroes: his father and Roger Staubach. For me, my heroes were all behind a church podium. As a…
March 2, 2023
The Five Loves—and the Highest of These Is Agape Love? Agape Love in English and Greek BiblesBiblicalFeatured PostsLiving Out Your FaithTheological

The Five Loves—and the Highest of These Is Agape Love?

This 2-part article by Ken Boa and Michael Stewart explores the nature of agape love. In Part 1, Ken argues for agape as the highest form of love, a divine love that help us to love others well, especially in marriage. In Part 2, Michael considers the nature of language and raises the question of whether we understand agape correctly.
September 3, 2022