Jesus’ messages to the seven churches in chapter two of Revelation contain a mixture of praise and rebuke. We can learn from the shortfalls and strengths of these early churches.
God’s holiness refers to His uniqueness, His separateness. There is no one like Him. His sovereignty refers to His rightful authority and rule over all things. The Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:16). When God loves, He is simply being Himself, and this goes for all His other attributes as well (such as His goodness and justice). Because God is eternal, His love has no beginning and no end. Because He is unchangeable, God’s love is unchangeable. Because He is infinite,… The goodness and justice of God are two attributes that have important implications for us as Christians. What does it mean for God to be good or to be just? In the end, because God is perfectly good and perfectly just, we can trust Him and know that He will always do what is right. The Goodness of God…
God is higher than us and beyond our imagination; He is transcendent and holy. But He is also immanent, present to us as the sustainer of our very being every moment of our being.
Wisdom is the application of knowledge to achieve the best ends through the proper means. Because God is all good and has all knowledge and power, He can accomplish the best ends via the best means.