When it comes to the question "why does the universe exist at all", the only reasonable answer is the theistic one; an eternal God created it and continues to sustain it.
https://youtu.be/EW1tqXA4oRU Is there really a God? To this question, answers fall into three basic categories: 1. No (Athiesm) 2. Maybe (Agnosticism) 3. Yes (Theism) We must deal with the question of God's existence. Indeed, how we answer this question might be the most important thing about us. It affects our entire outlook on life. One's answer to this question informs…
The Bible teaches us that God is omniscient and omnipotent. This means God knows all things and can do all that can be done. Because of these truths, we can be assured that His promises will come true.
Just as our attributes are above a dog’s comprehension, so God’s attributes are beyond our own—but on an infinite scale. The eternality and infinitude of God are two attributes of God that are beyond our understanding.
God wants to be known—but we could not know Him unless He chose to reveal Himself. He is beyond our imagination. The good news is, He has chosen to make Himself known to us. In order to get to know God, we need to make sure to listen to His voice.
In one sense, God is incomprehensible to us. We cannot fully understand Him, and we cannot get to know Him on our own terms. He has to be the One to reveal Himself to us.
In every order of magnitude, what is God telling us about Himself? The beauty we see in creation should drive us to seek to know Him in Scripture. Knowing God—not just in your head, but in your heart—will make all the difference in your life.