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Living Out Your FaithWednesday Morning Study

A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence (Wednesday Group) Ken Boa embarks on a tour with his Wednesday morning men's fellowship through A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence, the companion training guide to Life in the Presence of God. He provides an overview of the material in the guide as well as focuses on the two Week 1 exercises (for participants to do March 4–10). Note: This video combines the…
March 7, 2018
Living Out Your FaithSpiritual FormationWednesday Morning Study

Eight Spiritual Essentials: Part 1—Overview Ken Boa spends time reviewing recent series and new resources, answering questions from attendees, and then introduces his new series, "Eight Spiritual Essentials." The series will focus on how a believer can move from an egocentric to a Christocentric life and worldview. 8 Spiritual Essentials: Series Outline Ambition to Please God Love Jesus Thought Life Practice God's Presence Trust and…
February 14, 2018
TheologicalWednesday Morning Study

Living Between the Two Advents of Messiah As Christmas approaches, Dr. Boa discusses the season of Advent with his Wednesday Morning Men's Fellowship in Atlanta. He explains how the Advent season is a time of looking both back to the first advent of Christ and forward to his second coming. Three songs represent these dual purposes of Advent (which the group sings together, led by David…
December 21, 2017