Dr. Boa picks up in Mark 9 and Luke 12 with his discussion of Jesus's invitation to pursue him above all other things and to cultivate an inner life that can sustain that pursuit.
Jesus practiced God's presence, and he invited all who have trusted their lives to him to do the same. In this session, Dr. Boa explores the Gospels for verses about this important invitation.
Continuing to build the biblical foundation, Dr. Boa examines the four Gospels to see how Jesus practiced the presence of God in total dependence and submission.
Dr. Boa teaches from John 15 and other passages to explain how practicing God's presence by training in spiritual things relate to abiding in Christ and will lead us to bear fruit.
Dr. Boa gives the biblical basis for the idea that a Christian’s spiritual life is not a measurable product but a dynamic, ongoing process. We were meant for more than this life, but we have to cultivate the spiritual side of ourselves.