Where is your trust? Either you will be like Saul and trust in yourself, or you will trust God and realize that satisfaction only comes from obeying, knowing, and loving God.
In pop culture, Satan is often portrayed with horns, wearing red tights, and carrying a pitchfork. If only he were that easy to identify in real life! But Paul tells us that Satan sometimes disguises himself as an angel of light (1 Corinthians 11:14). He infiltrates religion with false teachers and seeks to lead us astray in our pride.
The only way to find what you’re looking for is to die to yourself and surrender to God. Every day, we have to decide whether we will die to ourselves and seek God, or whether we will fall prey to the temptations of the world and walk in rebellion.
When it comes to our finances, many of us have the mindset of “How much can I keep?” rather than “How much can I give away?” Whether consciously or unconsciously, we seek security in storing up wealth. While it is not wrong to have a savings account and provide for the future, Paul reveals that radical generosity is a mark…
The temptation to seek after the visible and temporal rather than the invisible and eternal is not new. Looking at 1 Samuel, we see that the Israelites struggled with this temptation in regard to their rulers.
This life is transitory, ephemeral, and we will face adversity while on this earth. But we have fellowship in Christ’s sufferings, a truth that ought to lead us to cultivate a greater longing for our eternal home.
Have you ever wished you could change the ending of a story? First Samuel 8 recounts one of those stories we wish we could change; it is not a story that goes well. Samuel’s sons have forsaken the way of the Lord, and, as a result, the people of Israel reject them as judges. But instead of remembering God is…
If the resurrection is true, then how we live matters. Every choice we make has an impact on our lives, showing whether we find our identity based on our “earth suit” or on our spiritual life.