Ken Boa reviews the first two sessions of this series, then moves into a discussion of the connection among solitude, community, and ministry. He emphasizes the model of Jesus, who ministered to people’s physical and nonphysical (spiritual) needs. We should imitate this inside-out order, with our devotion to Christ (solitude) flowing into devotion to the community, which in turn flows into devotion to the gospel (ministry). The latter energizes and expands with practice, rather than leading to exhaustion, when it’s empowered by the Holy Spirit (who continually refills and refreshes us as we pour out). Ken illustrates this truth from the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.
Community is the bridge that connects solitude (intimacy with God) with ministry to believers and unbelievers.
—Ken Boa*
*Quote is from Boa, Conformed to His Image (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001), 418.