Do you know who God is?
Knowing God is key to loving Him and trusting Him. Because of this, Moses reminds the Israelites of who God is and what He has done for them in Deuteronomy 2.
Moses wants the Israelites to remember their past so they will walk in humility. After all, an entire generation passed away because of their disobedience to God. Future prosperity will tempt the new generation to trust in their own strength, so Moses urges them to begin obeying God by following His commandments.
Like the Israelites, our obedience must stem from a reverential awe for God as well as trust in Him. Everything that we have is gift and grace. Let us look to our own pasts and remember God’s faithfulness despite our waywardness so that we will walk in obedience.
Need a learning tool as you read Deuteronomy? Purchase the Talk Through Overview Deuteronomy Teacher Kit here.
Watch part 93 of the 365 Key Chapters of the Bible series, based on Ken’s Handbook to Scripture.