In this final part of this series, Ken Boa discusses seven key principles for seeking God’s guidance as well as some wrong conceptions about God’s will.
Seven Principles for God’s Guidance:
- Communication (spending time in prayer and the Scriptures)
- Conscience (asking “How does this decision affect my love for God and others?”)
- Common sense (“Does this decision reflect good judgment?”)
- Circumstances (“How does my state of affairs relate to this decision?”)
- Counsel (seeking advice from wise and godly friends)
- Compulsion (in the context of the above five sources, discerning any compelling desire to move in a specific direction)
- Contentment & Confirmation (“Do I have a sense of peace and assurance about this decision?”)
These sources often work together to help us discern God’s will for our lives.
Poor Conceptions of God’s Will:
- I must pray about each decision I make.
- God’s will is often contrary to human reason.
- To submit to God’s will, I must give up my happiness.
- If I follow God’s will, my problems will be over.
- If I stray too far from God’s will, he won’t be able to use me again.
- If I commit my life to God, he will want me to go to seminary.
- I must have special confirmation before making important decisions.
- God wants me to respond to every need.