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God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing, but we often choose to live as paupers—we ignore the blessing of the Father. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reminds us who we are in Christ. God the Father send His Son to save us, and sealed us through the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 1 details the work of the Trinity in our salvation. Verses 4–6 tell of the work of the Father, verses 7–12 the work of the Son, and verses 13–14 the work of the Holy Spirit. In particular, we see the blessing of the Father, who has given us assurance of our salvation in Christ.

Our Spiritual Adoption

When we came to believe in Christ, we were adopted as children of God. This affects our past, our present, and our future.

Our salvation in Christ gives us a new derivation in our past. We have a new family, a new spiritual DNA. We were formerly in the line of Adam and destined for eternal separation from Christ, but we are now in the line of Christ. As a result, we have eternal life in Him.

In the present, we have a new dignity in Christ. We have been given a new name, a new position, in Christ.

In the future, we have a new destiny. We are heirs of a glorious inheritance (Romans 8:17).

The Blessing of the Father

Many of us have had difficult times with our earthly fathers, but we have a glorious Father in heaven who will never disappoint us. He has chosen us, adopted us, and accepted us—and not for anything we could bring to the table.

God, the One who holds the whole universe in His hands, is the One who loves us. He knows us intimately, and He made a way for us to be with Him through His Son. Some mistakenly think that Jesus had to twist His Father’s arm to get Him to save us. But Ephesians reveals that God the Father send the Son. He woos us and pursues us, calling us to Himself.

All of this is gift and grace. God has lavished His kindness on us, and He will show us the surpassing riches of His kindness in Christ (Ephesians 2:7). We have full assurance of the blessing of the Father.

This teaching is based on Ken Boa’s Handbook to Scripture

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