When your security vanishes and enemies surround you, what do you do? More importantly, what do you believe the Lord can do?
The Israelites faced just such a crisis when Pharaoh changed his mind and decided to pursue them. The Lord had led them to an indefensible place and now they were up against the Red Sea with no way to escape. Naturally, their hearts filled with fear when they heard that Pharaoh was coming for them with his military might.
So, the people doubted. They cried out against God and Moses, wondering why they had not been allowed to die in Egypt rather than there by the Red Sea. They allowed the world, represented by Egypt, to seduce them away from fearing the Lord.
But they overlooked something in their terror. The Lord had protected them up until this point, and He would continue to do so now. The One who had already guided them by His manifest presence put Himself between the Israelites and the attacking army and performed one last wonder against the Egyptians. He parted the Red Sea and led His people across on dry land.
The Lord again got the glory, saving His people and bringing destruction upon the Egyptians. This would be the pattern for the rest of Israel’s sojourning in the wilderness. They would doubt and sin against God, but the Lord would always provide.
Watch part 77 of the 365 Key Chapters of the Bible series, based on Ken’s Handbook to Scripture.