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God calls us to love Him in all things—even when we do not like all things.

Think of taking out the garbage, for example. This can be a nasty, smelly job. Ordinary at best, it is also often unappreciated. But when we live with wisdom, we can do this ordinary, ugly task to the glory of God.

This is because true wisdom involves keeping Christ at the center of our lives. Instead of compartmentalizing Him, He informs our every action and decision.

Developing Skill in the Art of Living

A good definition of wisdom is skill in the art of living life with every area under the dominion of God. It is the ability to do something in the right way, at the right time, and for the right reasons.

God not only wants us to do things, but He wants us to do them well. Consider the builders of the tabernacle, Oholiab and Bezalel (see Exodus 31:1–11). These men not only fashioned the tabernacle so that it would last, but they also crafted it with beauty. In other words, they did this task with the glory of God in mind.

It is not easy to do this with every task—like paying taxes or balancing a checkbook. But God can meet us even in these mundane tasks. He is Lord even over the most boring or difficult tasks, and if we let Him, He will shape us to be more like Him in these moments.

Gaining the Wisdom from Above

Part of the trouble we have with doing every task for the glory of God—in other words, doing all things with wisdom—is that we have a temporal mindset. We focus on an earthly value system instead of an eternal one. As a result, we become sedentary, developing a kind of inertia. We no longer try to develop wisdom, instead having flabby wills, sloppy thought lives, or anemic intentions.

The only way to avoid this is through faith. We grow in faith and gain wisdom by knowing God and loving Him more.

For more on wisdom, take a look at chapter 18, “Holistic Spirituality” in Ken’s revised Conformed to His Image.

Check out Ken’s other Friday morning videos here.