Wisdom is about the long-term perspective, teaching us to look to the things that last. As we do so, we learn to treat things according to their true value.
The book of Job calls us to trust in God by taking this long-term perspective. The short-term suffering of this world is difficult, particularly because it may last our entire lives. However, it is still short term—we were made for eternity. As a result, recognizing God’s sovereignty leads us to trust in Him. We can acknowledge that He is transforming us according to His good purposes.
Filled with Mystery
Reading through the book of Job shows us that God is not opposed to reason—indeed, our faith is truly reasonable—but He does transcend human reasoning. Our simplified answers cannot touch on the mind of God. This is why Job’s friends’ theories about why the innocent suffer fall short.
The divine perspective in Job 1–2 and Job 38–42 demonstrates that God is at work in ways we cannot comprehend. We may long for easy answers, but the important thing is to trust in His goodness. This suffering, after all, is temporal, but we are eternal beings. We must recognize the difference between our bounded past and our unbounded future. This world will pass away, but we were made for eternity.
Watch more of Ken Boa’s Friday morning study videos here.
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