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What changes Job at the end of his suffering is not an answer to the question why or a logical conclusion that satisfies his reason. Instead, it is an encounter with God.

Our Transcendent, Immanent Creator

After God asks a series of questions, Job comes to see Him in a less mediated way. Although he still cannot completely apprehend God, he now understands God a little bit better. He knows God is transcendent, and that God’s ways are far above his own. This new perspective is enough to cause him to repent in dust and ashes (Job 42:6).

The wonders of the visible realm aided Job in understanding God’s transcendence. And we have even more understanding of the physical world than Job did. As a result, we ought to experience the same awe and wonder that Job had after considering the works of God.

The Four Words

The four Words of God show how we ought to understand Him. He is both transcendent and immanent. We see His transcendence in His creation, and His immanence in His special revelation.

1. God’s Infinite Word

God’s infinite Word is His general revelation manifested in the macrocosm, midicosm, and microcosm. God has ordered the world in such a way that everything points to spiritual truth—but we need a seeing eye and a hearing ear opened by the Holy Spirit.

2. God’s Inspired Word

This is His special revelation manifested in multiple agencies (the prophets, signs and wonders, etc.), all pointing to Jesus Christ, the Messiah. This moves our knowledge of God from the seen to the unseen, from the general revelation of creation to the special revelation of God’s plan of salvation that draws us into relationship with Him.

3. God’s Incarnate Word

The incarnate Word is the most decisive revelation. God took humanity into Himself and is therefore both transcendent and immanent. Jesus is forever the God-man, and in Him we are united to God.

4. God’s Indwelling Word

This is Christ in us, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). This describes the beautiful intimacy we have with our God.

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