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Prayer is key when it comes to practicing God’s presence. But depending on the spiritual season you’re in, it can be difficult to know how to pray. The prayer category in A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence can help.

Flash prayers are one simple way to experience God’s presence throughout the day. Sometimes called “arrow prayers,” these are brief prayers that you can offer up at any moment and in any situation. For example, when you start up your car or sit at a traffic light you can shoot up a quick prayer of gratitude for who God is. Or you can meditate on a single phrase over the course of an entire day.

It can also be beneficial to walk through the seven components of prayer: adoration, confession, renewal, petition, intercession, affirmation, and thanksgiving. The ordering of these components can help you focus on who God is and His control over your life. Prayer is not merely about asking God to fulfill your requests, but about remembering Him, praising Him for keeping your life in His hands, and longing to know Him more.

If you desire to pray for others but have trouble remembering to do so, try praying with others. When someone asks you for prayer and there is an opportunity, you can pray for and with that person right then and there.

Regardless of the type of prayer, try asking the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers. Ask Him for direction; He is faithful to help you and will deepen your prayer life.

Check out Ken’s Handbook to Prayer for a daily prayer devotional.

Click here for more information about Ken’s Friday morning study, including archived videos.