Shaped by Suffering was released in early February 2020—just prior to the full onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the influx of fear and suffering as a result of the virus and the global response to it, the book could not have brought a timelier message.
Focusing on the theme of resilience in suffering, Dr. Jamie Aten, founder and executive director of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute at Wheaton College, interviewed Ken Boa about the book and published the interview on his Hope + Resilience blog for Psychology Today. This magazine features articles by psychologists, academics, psychiatrists, and writers about the latest mental health concerns and developments.
In the interview (titled “Shaping Our View of Suffering”), Ken reminds us that our perspective on suffering can make us either bitter or better. When we focus on the suffering itself, we tend to wallow in our misery. However, a reorientation toward an eternal perspective gives hope because of future glory for those who are in Christ.
Check out this other coverage of Shaped by Suffering and its themes:
- The On the Bookshelf Podcast (a podcast on perspective with Jenny Abel)
- In the Studio with Michael Card on Spotify (or listen in on Apple podcasts in this double feature of Michael Card and Ken Boa)
- ChurchLeaders Podcast (especially for those in vocational ministry)
- Outreach Magazine (featuring an excerpt of the book, “Two Critical Truths About Suffering”)
- Daily Growth Discipleship Podcast (a 5-part podcast with coauthor Jenny Abel)
- The Messiah Community Radio Talk Show (focusing on our eternal home)
- Afternoons with Bill Arnold (looking at the transformation of earthly sufferings)
- In the Market with Janet Parshall on Moody Radio (emphasizing how suffering helps us rediscover true hope and joy)
If we allow our pain to turn our attention to God and to how we can reach out to others, suffering can become a redemptive tool both in our lives and in the lives of others.
—Ken Boa, in Psychology Today Interview (May 17, 2020)
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