After the Flood, the Lord reinstated His command for people to "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth"; He also allowed the eating of animals (not only plants), and He made a covenant with Noah.
Ken Boa teaches on Matthew 21, in which we see, among other themes, the central theme of mounting opposition to Jesus by the religious leaders of His day (ultimately leading to His death, burial, and resurrection). Ken Boa teaches on Genesis 8, the beginning of the post-Flood world, in which Noah is commanded to repopulate the earth and, as a part of His mission of deliverance and redemption, God makes a promise never to destroy the earth again with a catastrophic deluge. This is part of the ongoing 365 Key Chapters of the Bible series…
Following Jesus' question of the disciples in Matthew 16, "Who do you say that I am?" in Matthew 17, we read the solid evidences that Jesus fulfills the qualifications for Israel’s Messiah in His lineage, His healing ministry, and His teachings.
In this chapter of Matthew, we see Jesus using parables to conceal the truth from those who would reject it, and to reveal the truth to those who would receive and believe.
Genesis 6 documents the radical measures God took to address increasingly rampant human wickedness and preserve a godly remnant of people for Himself, through one family.
Ken Boa teaches on the third chapter of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus exhorts His followers to examine themselves when tempted to have a censorious attitude toward others.
Ken Boa continues with Matthew 6 in the New Testament portion of his 365 Key Chapters of the Bible series. Continuing the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells His listeners they should do things such as praying, fasting, and giving to please God rather than impress people. He also stresses the need to look to the heavenly Father for every…
Ken Boa discusses the critical book of Genesis 3, where we gain an understanding of the condition of mankind and the world today. Without this chapter, little else in the Bible makes sense. Here, we see that the primary problem is our broken relationship with God due to our sin.