Age conspires with God to take away our temporal hope. As disciples of Jesus, we want to have a growing and eager sense of anticipation of what we're going to be like in the new heaven and earth.
“Does God have my best interests at heart?” Naomi learned that the answer to this question is always "yes"—God is working out His plan in all circumstances.
Christianity is not so much a religion as it is a romance. It is the story of a God who woos us to Himself and calls us His bride. It is the story of our lives becoming more and more like the life of Christ, learning to love like He loves us.
Appearances can be deceiving. A man and a woman meeting in a secluded location after dark—an outsider may jump to immediate conclusions. But the story of Ruth shows the virtuous character of Ruth and Boaz as they seek to honor the Lord with their obedience, coming to know Him as they recognize Him at work behind the scenes.
During Paul's ministry, he worked as a tentmaker so that the churches he ministered to would not be burdened by him financially. He uses this as an example of how believers should forfeit their rights for the spiritual benefit of others.
Ruth 2 is a cameo of God’s grace and goodness. In the midst of the wicked period of the judges, Boaz stood out as a shining light, showing God’s grace to the least, last, and lost. We too are called to be agents of light in this present darkness. We are called to have a different vision and not to…
The story of Ruth and Boaz takes place during the days of the judges and is a shining light amidst the darkness. It is a beautiful cameo of character, courage, and commitment, in which two people—Ruth and Boaz—sought what was right in the Lord's eyes rather than their own.
First Corinthians is a practical book because in it Paul addresses several specific questions the Corinthian church had about Christian behavior. Not only do many of these questions still arise frequently today, but many of Paul's answers also run counter to our culture. In chapter 7, Paul addresses the topics of marriage, divorce, celibacy, and remarriage.
Samson’s story reveals a sad but common pattern: instead of celebrating the One who gave him his gifts, he preened his ego and applauded himself. Listen in to learn from the consequences of his disobedience and avoid his mistakes.