Jesus Christ reconciled us to God through His life, death, and resurrection. He took on our sin so that we might have peace with God. As a result of reconciliation, we are being transformed in this present darkness, learning to live out our identity in Christ.
What is justification? God demands perfection, but we all fall short of His glory. As a result, Jesus imputed His righteousness to us to save us. He did not do so on account of our works, but as a gracious gift to those who believe.
Moses’s disobedience may seem like a small thing to us, and God’s reaction drastic, but we need to recognize that God had given Moses a command. And Moses, the shepherd of the Israelites, did not obey. As Luke 12:48 teaches, to whom much is given, much will be required. The more you know about the Word, the more you will…
We are all in need of a heart transplant—everyone has fallen short of the glory of God. But Jesus Christ has justified us through His own righteousness.
God has made Himself known, so all people are without excuse, and we all walk in disobedience. But the good news is that He has given us Jesus to redeem us.