Informal times with God are crucial to our relationship with Him. Practicing His presence involves taking advantage of kairos time and developing our relationship with Him.
In order to move from skimming to digging deeper in God's Word, you must reorient your desires. Put practical steps in place as you seek to memorize Scripture.
"I don't think we have ever been as surprised as we were with Kenneth Boa," writes Hole in My Heart Ministries, who interviewed Dr. Ken Boa for its podcast published December 14, 2019. The podcast, "Practically Living in the Presence of God," focused on the topic of Ken's book Life in the Presence of God (InterVarsity Press, 2017), especially relevant this…
Practicing God's presence is the fourth of eight "spiritual essentials" (core aspects of the Christian faith) Ken Boa is discussing with his Friday morning men's study at First Redeemer Church (Cumming, GA).
Practicing God’s presence (the fourth essential in this series of eight) is a deeply biblical idea, though the exact phrase is never used in Scripture. Most popularly associated with Brother Lawrence, the phrase, at heart, means “discerning, and developing habits for discerning, an awareness of God’s presence.”
Ken Boa discusses a fourth critical component of the spiritual life—practicing the presence of God (or abiding in Christ, walking with God, etc.)—in his series on eight "spiritual essentials." Ken Boa takes a break from his Eight Spiritual Essentials series and offers a Q&A session to his Wednesday Morning Men's Fellowship.