Ken Boa shifts to practical application of his teaching on life's purpose by focusing on some personal principles and values that help us review and remind ourselves of our purpose as humans, as believers, and as individuals.
Every person has an ultimate purpose, a universal purpose, and a unique purpose. A life of integrity unites these purposes, so that our daily life and activities align with, or flow out from, our primary calling to know God and be conformed to the image of His Son.
Ken Boa discusses additional principles of stewardship, including stewardship of our relationships with others, and moves into a discussion of our purpose in life. This teaching is based on chapter 20 in Ken's book Conformed to His Image.
We will all be held accountable for the amount of light we have received; we're called to be good stewards of God's truth, exposing ourselves to it consistently and asking the Spirit's help to apply it in our lives.
Ken Boa continues a discussion of stewardship and purpose by urging us to invest in the two eternal things we encounter on earth: God's Word (truth) and people.
Ken Boa continues a discussion of stewardship and purpose by urging us to invest in the two things on this earth that will go on into eternity: the Word of God (truth) and people.
Ken Boa continues to discuss stewardship, with a focus on our management and stewardship of time. He reflects on the brevity of our lives and the fact that God gives us all the time we need to accomplish His purposes.
Ken Boa focuses on the need to develop a stewardship mindset, which includes stewarding our time as well as our resources well, in this continued teaching on stewardship and purpose.
Ken Boa introduces the final section of this series: Stewardship and Purpose. Today, stewardship is even more vital and challenging because we have additional time (longevity), options, and resources than previous generations. Whether young or old, we should seek to live wisely and not squander our time or resources in self-centered living.