Ken Boa wraps up the final relationship arena in which our faith should intersect with practice: society. He discusses a biblical view of social justice and engagement, among other points.
Psalm 16 is a psalm of aspiration toward a deepening devotion to and relationship with God. Its author, King David, is a great case study in the ideas discussed in this series.
Ken Boa moves into the final relationship arena in which our faith should intersect with practice: society. He discusses the extent and manner in which faith should have a bearing on social involvement/action.
Ken Boa leads a second session on the topic "God Is Our Highest Good" as part of his ongoing series on "Devotional Spirituality" (one facet from his book "Conformed to His Image").
Ken Boa holds a second session discussing workplace relationships, one of three relational realms in which God calls us to live out his command to love and serve others.
Ken Boa wraps up discussion of the practice and purpose of sacred reading, discusses the need for a blend of contemplation and action, and finally moves into a new section of this series on the central role God must have in our hearts and lives.
Ken Boa discusses a third area of our "horizontal relationships"—those in the workplace—where we are to live out God's calling on us to love others, approaching people out of the overflow of Christ in us.