Friday Morning Men's Study Q&A Session: August 13, 2021 Ken Boa answers questions concerning the problem of evil, the age of the earth, lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, and more.Ken BoaAugust 13, 2021
Friday Morning Men's StudySpiritual Formation Q&A Session: August 28, 2020 How can the church continue to have fellowship even in seasons of isolation, such as with COVID-19? Through prayer, devotions, and studying the Word of God, we can still have intimacy with our brothers and sisters in Christ.Ken BoaAugust 28, 2020
Theological The Gospel Can’t Be Quarantined Michael Stewart preaches on Easter Sunday on the Resurrection in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.Jenny AbelApril 27, 2020
How Should Christians Respond to Fear? Living Out Your Faith How Should Christians Respond to Fear? In the face of fears, while the world panics, followers of Christ should pray.Ken BoaMarch 23, 2020