BiblicalOld TestamentWednesday Morning Study Deuteronomy 8: Our Daily Bread Embedded in human nature is a tendency to forget, and nothing seems to disappear quicker than gratitude. We need daily sustenance to remember God.Ken BoaOctober 14, 2020
The Importance of Gratitude Living Out Your Faith The Importance of Gratitude Gratitude is a choice, not a feeling. Ken Boa teaches on the importance of a gratitude mindset, and how we cultivate it: by remembering God's faithfulness and goodness in the past, His benefits in the present, and His promises for the future.Ken BoaApril 20, 2018
Living Out Your FaithSpiritual FormationWednesday Morning Study Practicing the Presence of God: Part 6 Dr. Boa explains that it is biblically warranted and actually possible to grow in spiritual things, because God is always with us.Ken BoaFebruary 17, 2016