What role should the Christian have in politics? Does the Bible give any instruction on how believers should engage in this political season? Watch or read Michael Stewart's sermon as he addresses these questions.
In response to our Biblical Economics & Finance web article series (especially part 3), Ken Boa received this insightful response from a reader who grew up in communist Romania.
Two main schools of thought drive economic theory today: classical and Keynesian. One is tethered more closely to biblical principles, while the other is not. It's important to learn the differences.
What role did God play in the creation of economics, and what was His original intent? To answer these questions, we have to go back to the very beginning.
A biblical view of money and economics is a first step toward preventing this area from competing with God in your life. This view includes the idea that we're stewards of wealth that God Himself owns and has entrusted to us, and the medium by which wealth comes to us is hard work.
The biblical view of humans and their desires has significant implications for the realm of economics and financial decision making. In addition, the volatility of markets reflects and confirms the instability and double-mindedness of fallen human nature.