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Living Out Your Faith

Fear & Faith: Can I Manage My Mindset? What is faith, and how does it relate to fear? Can you have faith and yet feel fearful? Dr. Ken Boa discussed these questions and much more at the September 18, 2019, installment of GraceLife Church of Pineville's In Question series. The series is moderated by Michael Stewart, vice president of Reflections Ministries and Omnibus Media Ministries. You can…
October 5, 2019
Monday Night StudySpiritual Formation

Warfare Spirituality: Part 7

Ken Boa teaches the third front of spiritual warfare with Satan and his demonic hosts. The names for Satan that reveal his position are “the ruler of this world” and “the prince of the power of the air.” His names that reveal his practices are “Satan” or “adversary,” “devil” or “slanderer,” and “the evil one,” to name a few.
June 5, 2017